brand story
根据《天鹅仙江春月》原创小故事杜撰记载,世间女孩爱美之心人皆有之,传说女子们觉得额头上装饰花瓣容貌特别美丽,花瓣以富贵花,琼英,静姿,帝女花等等最为常见,也有樱。妆容时尚风靡人间,甚至跨越了地理,跨越了时间。故事中名叫娥仙的天鹅下凡仙子,容貌俏美俊秀,花瓣妆容更是浪漫典雅,下凡结缘人世间美好。故事中,娥仙将额心花瓣 以金箔裁成赠心爱之人与世界,心愿彼此真情不渝,无论世间如何变化,即便沧海桑田,海枯石烂,总能吉祥如意,平安幸福,团圆美满。
According to story swan fairy called tianasia phonetically similar from moonriver Sp (MoonRiver in spring blossoms ) fictionally, ancient girls had a fashionable love of beauty, and they found their foreheads decorated with flower petals to be particularly beautiful, Petals to paeoniasuffruticosa , armeniaca mume (prunus mume) ,cymbidium and dendranthema are the most common, cerasus as well,fashion makeup swept the world, even across the geography, across the time.In the story a swan fairy called tianasia phonetically similar ,a fairy from paradise, is a beauty ,also makeup with the petal ,which seems romantic and elegant, came down to Earth and fell in love with a intellectual ,the intellectual was good at poetic music.The fairy in the story cut gold foil as her Forehead heart petals for gift , gave it to her lover and world with meaning love will never change between each other, no matter how the world changes, even if the sea runs dry and the rocks are broken,Lovers always can return back to each other,last forever.
常识小贴士:樱花cerasus 源自中华,在汉唐中原大地早已广泛栽培,可能由于季风影响飘落到其它地区生根发芽。
菊花dendranthema, 源自中华,几千年来,象征高贵纯洁美好吉祥长寿,既代表皇室,又代表平民普遍喜爱花卉,菊花非"不祥之物"(这是近代传入的外来文化,非中华文化)。
( prunusmume.com.cn )
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MoonRiver in spring blossoms